Cloud Backup

What Is Data Backup And Disaster Recovery in Server?

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) is the process of creating and storing multiple copies of data that can be recovered at a later time to protect organizations from data loss through corruption or deletion. Disaster recovery in servers involves strategic planning for unforeseen disruptions, ensuring swift restoration of IT infrastructure. Data and server backup focuses on routinely saving data to prevent loss, forming a crucial element of a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy. Cloudserv India offers top-notch BDR services suited for all kinds of businesses.

  • Disaster Recovery as a Service
  • Physical Onsite Backup Services
  • Offsite Business Continuity Services
  • PC Backup Services
Data and Server Backup Solutions

Why Should You Use Our Data And Backup Recovery Services?

Our Services

BDR Services and Solutions Offered By Us

Explore just a few offerings under the wide umbrella of our comprehensive BDR services and solutions.

Managed Backup

We manage, automate and schedule regular backups so that your business is covered against data loss in the event of even a small disruption.

Onsite and Cloud BDR

Besides implementing physical, onsite BDR measures, we are also adept at integrating your data backups with your cloud environment.

Offsite Disaster Recovery

We offer offsite disaster recovery services that keep your services and data online at a remote data center in case of disaster situations.

Extended Suite of Services

Our BDR services also include the design and implementation of niche solutions that guarantee uptime in case of power disruptions or other technical failures.

Our Process

Our BDR Process Explained

We understand that your business organization cannot afford to lose critical data at any cost and our carefully designed, foolproof data and server backup process ensures that this never happens.


Feel Free to Contact Us

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