What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a useful process of evaluating the features and functionalities of a software application with an intent to meet its specific requirements, detect its defects and improve its overall quality and performance. Cloudserv India offers end-to-end software testing services to cover all your needs.

  • Wide Range of Software Testing Services
  • Niche Testing Methodologies and Solutions
  • Skilled Team of QA Professionals
  • Proven Experience and Expertise
Services Included

Our Software Testing Services Make You Ready for Business

We offer a wide range of manual and automated software testing services for your mobile, desktop, web and cloud-based applications.

Functional Testing

Our QA testing for software guarantees that all your software applications function seamlessly, free from any bugs or glitches.

Security Testing

Our security testing services help safeguard your system by spotting any vulnerabilities or threats beforehand.

Mobile Testing

Our mobile testing services are designed to ensure that your software applications work properly across various devices and platforms.

Cloud Testing

Our cloud testing services ensure the integrity and security of your cloud-based software applications and services.

Performance Testing

Our process-oriented performance testing services ensure that your applications scale and perform well under all kinds of workloads.

Accessibility Testing

Our accessibility testing services ensure that all your applications are compatible with existing Web Accessibility guidelines.

Plan & Process

Navigate Our Plan & Process in QA Testing for Software

Our software testing services adopt a simple 3-step process to make things immensely easy for our clients.


The planning stage helps determine the source, scope, procedure and associated risks of the various tests that will be performed.


The execution stage involves the preparation of test environments and data creation followed by the actual test scenarios being run.


Once all tests have been performed, a list of results is communicated by our expert team to the client, along with recommended solutions.

The Benefits of Our QA Testing for Software

In today’s digitally evolved world, software is everywhere. Our software testing services ensure that two major business objectives are met successfully.


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